Courses in the Philippines
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Pest Management (Vegetables) NC II in the Philippines

Pest Management (Vegetables) NC II is a short TESDA course in the Philippines that will train you in implementing pest management activities in both backyard and commercial vegetable farms.

Some examples of skills that you will acquire from enrolling in this course include:

  • Applying safety measures in farm operations
  • Using farm tools and equipment
  • Performing estimation and basic calculations
  • Conducting field assessment
  • Applying bio-control measures
  • Applying cultural management strategies
  • Applying physical control measures
  • Applying chemical control measures
  • Monitoring results of pest management activities and provide feedback

Course Duration

Pest Management (Vegetables) NC II takes a minimum of 312 hours to complete.

Admission Requirements

Common requirements for TESDA courses include:

  • Copy of Birth Certificate authenticated by NSO
  • Copy of High school or College Diploma
  • Certified True Copy of Transcript of Records
  • 1×1 Pictures
  • Certificate of Good Moral Character

Requirements, however, may vary depending on the institution you are going to enroll at, so we strongly suggest you get in touch with the school or training center’s official representatives for more accurate and detailed information.


Qualified graduates of Pest Management (Vegetables) NC II can find employment as pest management/pest control technicians.

Competency Assessment and Certification

Students enrolled in the Pest Management (Vegetables) NC II course may be required to undergo a Competency Assessment before graduation. A National Certificate (NC II) will be issued to students who passed this assessment. You can find more information on assessments and certifications at the official website of TESDA.

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