Bachelor of Arts in Islamic Studies in the Philippines
The Bachelor of Arts in Islamic Studies (ABIS) is a four-year degree program in the Philippines that is concerned with the study Islam as a way of life in the context of economic, social, cultural, political, and legal aspects.
It has two specializations: Political Economy and Islamic Arts and Multimedia Technologies.
Some examples of courses that you may take while enrolled in this program include:
- Shariah
- Siratun Nabi
- Contemporary Political Trends
- Dialectal Classical Kalam
- International Political Economy
- Comparative Theology (Abrahamic Faith & Theo Post Catholic Christianity)
- Post Renaissance Europe and Colonization in Muslim World
- Practical and Theoretical Sufism &. Islamic Institutions of Philosophy
- Arabic literature prior to Qur’an
- Islamic Banking and Finance
- Islamic Laws and Practices on Inheritance
- Eastern Religion w / Research paper
- Lugatul Qur’an
- Islamic Political Ideology
- Great Islamic Philosophers: Past &. Present (Sabzwari to Tabatabaie)
- Orientalism and Its Prejudices
- Introduction to Islamic Arts
- Islamic Arts and Calligraphy
- Religious and. Decorative Arts
- Multimedia Principles &. Design
- Islamic Music
- Drama and Theatre Arts
- Poetry
- Creative Graphics and Design
- 3D Art Forms
- Computer Application in Arts & Design
- Digital Audio & Video (Islamic Multimedia Package)
- Image Manipulation and Animation
- Web Design & Publishing
- Islamic Architecture
- Structure, Morphology and Syntax of the Arabic Language
- Arabic Literature prior to Qur’an
- Historical Foundations of Hadith
In addition to taking the subjects mentioned above, you may also undergo a total of 300 hours of On-the-Job Training at any two (2) of the following areas: Non-Government Organizations with advocacy on Muslims affairs, Islamic embassies, madrassah schools, business establishments, government organizations.
Qualified graduates of can find employment as any of the following:
- College Instructor
- Political Analyst
- Academic Researcher
- Translator
- Administrator of Islamic Institutions
- Business Consultant
- Foreign Diplomat
- Policy Maker