Courses in the Philippines
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Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology in the Philippines

The Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology (BS Medical Technology) also known as Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science (BS Medical Laboratory Science) is a four-year degree program in the Philippines that deals with the use of modern technology in detecting, identifying, and predicting the possible course of diseases that can put a person’s health at risk.

Pursuing this degree will help you gain a better understanding of the nature of diseases, the things that cause them, the way they spread, and the way to stop them or slow their growth down. It will also give you some background information on the natural composition of the human body and how you can use that information to detect potential or existing problems.

Some examples of the courses that you may take while enrolled in this program include:

  • Clinical Chemistry
  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Biochemistry
  • Physics
  • Pharmacology
  • Bacteriology
  • Mycology-virology
  • Parasitology
  • Hematology
  • Immunology/Serology
  • Immunohematology (Blood Banking)
  • Endocrinology, Toxicology, and Drug Testing
  • Histopathologic and Cytologic Techniques
  • Analysis of Urine & Other Body Fluids
  • Integrated Human Anatomy and Physiology
  • Laboratory Management
  • Medical Technology Laws and Bioethics

An additional 1080 hours of On-the-Job Training at Medical Laboratories may also be required by your school in order to give you a firsthand experience of the duties and responsibilities of a professional Medical Technologist.



What Students Have to Say:



Qualified graduates of BS Medical Technology or BS Medical Laboratory Science can apply for any of the following positions:

  • Medical Technologist for hospitals, clinics, and sanitarium
  • Medical Technologist for Medico-Legal cases
  • Researcher
  • College Professor


Passing the Licensure Examination for Medical Technologists is one of the requirements in seeking employment in the Medical field. Please check the official website of the Professional Regulatory Commission for more information.

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  1. hi may medtech din po ba sa UST? please answer po thank you!

  2. I want to know whose the author of this article and the date of publishing :). THANK YOU ^_^

    • Hi, Christine!

      You may attribute the article to Date of publication is September 23,2011.


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