Bachelor of Science in Development Communication in the Philippines
The Bachelor of Science in Development Communication (BS in Dev’t Comm) is a four-year degree program in the Philippines that revolves around the role of communication in the pursuit of development.
As a Development Communication student, you will learn about the different communication theories and how you can use them to plan, implement, and manage information campaigns targeted at specific audiences. You will also learn about the different types of media that you can use to send your message to your intended recipients.
Some examples of courses that you may take while enrolled in this program include:
- Communication and Society
- Fundamentals of Community Broadcasting
- Fundamentals of Development Communication
- Interpersonal Communication and Participatory Development Communication
- Introduction to Communication Theory
- Introduction to Media Writing
- Strategic Communication in Development
- Advanced Development Writing
- Audiovisual Planning and Production
- Broadcast-based Distance Learning Systems
- Broadcast Speech, Performance, and Production
- Development Writing
- Environmental Communication
- Fundamentals of Science Communication
- Fundamentals of Video Production
- Health Communication
- Introduction to Information and Communication Technology
- Introduction to Telecommunication for Development
- Multimedia Production
- Organizational Communication
- Principles and Development Applications of Knowledge Management
- Publications Writing and Editing
- Technical Writing and Editing
Aside from taking the courses mentioned above, you may also spend a minimum of 200 hours at government agencies, civil society organizations, or other similar groups as part of your On-the-Job Training (OJT).
BS Development Communication graduates can apply for any of the following positions:
- Public Relations Officer
- Communication Researcher
- Communication Analyst
- Media Planner/Media Manager
- Project Development Officer
- College Professor
- Writer