Courses in the Philippines
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Commercial Cooking NC IV in the Philippines

Commercial Cooking NC IV is a short TESDA course in the Philippines that will train you in managing a small restaurant or cooking business as well as preparing foods that meet specific dietary and cultural requirements.

Some examples of core competencies that you will acquire from taking this course include:

  • Planning and organizing work
  • Conducting assessments
  • Managing finances within a budget
  • Applying catering control principles
  • Managing facilities associated with commercial catering contracts
  • Managing quality customer service
  • Managing workplace diversity
Course Duration

Commercial Cooking NC IV takes a minimum of 260 hours to complete.

That is about 3 months for an 8-12nn Monday-Friday class schedule.

Admission Requirements

Basic requirements for this TESDA course include:

  • Copy of NSO Birth Certificate
  • Highschool or College Diploma
  • Certified True Copy of Transcript of Records or Form 137
  • Certificate of Good Moral Character
  • 1×1 and/or 2×2 Pictures

Different schools and training centers have their own set of requirements to enroll in any of their programs. It is best to contact them for their complete list of Admission Requirements.


Some Technical Vocational Institutions (TVIs) may require you to complete Commercial Cooking NC III before being allowed to take Commercial Cooking NC IV.

There is also a Commercial Cooking NC II TESDA course being offered in the Philippines that you might be interested in.


Qualified graduates of Commercial Cooking NC IV can find employment as any of the following:

  • Sous Chef
  • Executive Sous Chef
  • Restaurant Chef
  • Businessman

Competency Assessment and Certification

Students enrolled in the Commercial Cooking NC IV course may be required to undergo a Competency Assessment at any TESDA-Accredited Competency Assessment Center for Commercial Cooking NC IVย before graduation. A National Certificate (NC IV) will be issued to students who passed this assessment.

Got a Question?

We’ve created a list to answer the Frequently-Asked-Questions about TESDA Courses. Be sure to check this out first before asking a question in the comments section below.

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  1. Dear Sir/Ma’am

    Magandang araw po! ask ko lng po kung kelan po ung enrollment for commercial cooking 4. tnx po

  2. Good day I want to inquire about the courses offered especialy commercial cooking nc 3 and 4 can I take up the course on a shorter period of time coz my vacation allows me only 2 months thank u very much.

    • Hi, Alan!

      Training schedules vary per training center, so it’s best if you’ll contact them directly so they can give you a more accurate and detailed reply.

      You can find the list of training centers that offer this course on the pages below:

      Just click the “view courses authorized” option and the address and contact information of the school or training center would appear.


    • Hi, Paulo!

      Unfortunately, that would be difficult to answer as the course that you took is just one of the several requirements that companies usually require from job applicants. It’s probably best if you’d ask personal acquaintances who took the same course as they are in a better position to give you some advice.


  3. hello/ma’am sir

    I”am a Political. Science Graduate and i’m planning to take a culinary arts but its too expensive. so any course that can you offer or suggest ma”am/sir? thanks and god bless..

  4. I am an assessment passer of Commercial Cooking NC III,I want to level up, what school or institution offering Commercial Cooking NC IV?

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