Consumer Electronics Servicing NC IV in the Philippines
Consumer Electronics Servicing NC IV is a short TESDA course in the Philippines that will train you in managing servicing system for consumer electronic products and systems as well as training service technician supervisors.
Aside from those mentioned above, enrolling in this course will also help you acquire other skills such as:
- Using hand tools
- Performing mensuration and calculation
- Preparing and interpreting technical drawing
- Performing computer operations
- Terminating and connecting electrical wiring and electronic circuits
- Assembling/disassembling consumer electronic products and systems
- Maintaining and repairing audio/ video products and systems
- Maintaining and repairing electronically-controlled domestic appliances
- Maintaining and repairing cellular phones
- Commissioning consumer electronic products and systems
- Developing servicing system for electronic products and systems
Course Duration
Consumer Electronics Servicing NC IV takes a minimum of 176 hours to complete.
Admission Requirements
Basic requirements for this TESDA course include:
- Copy of NSO Birth Certificate
- Highschool or College Diploma
- Certified True Copy of Transcript of Records or Form 137
- Certificate of Good Moral Character
- 1×1 and/or 2×2 Pictures
Some Technical Vocational Institutions (TVIs) may require you to complete Consumer Electronics Servicing NC III before being allowed to take Consumer Electronics Servicing NC IV .
Qualified graduates of Consumer Electronics Servicing NC IV can find employment as any of the following:
- Consumer Electronics Product Assembly Supervisor
- Domestic Appliance Service Technician Supervisor
- Cellular Phone Service Technician Supervisor
- Audio-video Service Technician Supervisor
Competency Assessment and Certification
Students enrolled in the Consumer Electronics Servicing NC IV course may be required to undergo a Competency Assessment before graduation. A National Certificate (NC IV) will be issued to students who passed this assessment. You can find more information on assessments and certifications at the official website of TESDA.