Courses in the Philippines
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Fish Capture NC II in the Philippines

Fish Capture NC II is a short TESDA course in the Philippines that will train you in catching and delivering seafood products. Workers at this level would be directly engaged in fishing and other related fishing activities in inland bodies of waters and marine waters within 15 kilometers from the coastline (and other provisions for municipal waters) using fishing vessels of three gross tons or less.

Some examples of skills that you will acquire from enrolling in this course include:

  • Applying safety measures in farm operations
  • Using farm tools and equipment
  • Performing estimation and calculations
  • Preventing and fighting fire
  • Protecting marine environment
  • Complying with emergency procedures
  • Operating a vessel of up to 3.0 GT
  • Monitoring condition and seaworthiness of a vessel
  • Performing routine maintenance tasks on a small coastal vessel
  • Operating and troubleshooting low powered marine engines
  • Applying weather information when navigating a vessel
  • Applying basic food handling and safety practices
  • Adjusting and positioning beach seines, mesh nets or gill nets
  • Adjusting and positioning pots and traps

 Course Duration

Fish Capture NC II takes a minimum of 318 hours to complete.

Admission Requirements

Basic requirements for this TESDA course include:

  • Copy of NSO Birth Certificate
  • Highschool or College Diploma
  • Certified True Copy of Transcript of Records or Form 137
  • Certificate of Good Moral Character
  • 1×1 and/or 2×2 Pictures


Some Technical Vocational Institutions (TVIs) may require you to complete Fish Capture NC I before being allowed to take Fish Capture NC II.


Qualified graduates of Fish Capture NC II  can find employment as a fisherman.

Competency Assessment and Certification

Students enrolled in the Fish Capture NC II course may be required to undergo a Competency Assessment before graduation. A National Certificate (NC II) will be issued to students who passed this assessment. You can find more information on assessments and certifications at the official website of TESDA.

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