Courses in the Philippines
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Food and Beverage Service NC III in the Philippines

The Food and Beverage Service NC III is a short TESDA course in the Philippines that will train you in delivering and supervising food and beverage service operations in hotels, motels, restaurants, clubs, resorts, luxury liners and cruise ships.

Some examples of skills that you will acquire from enrolling in this course include:

  • Handling staff
  • Controlling and ordering stock
  • Training small groups
  • Establishing and conducting business relationships
  • Providing specialist advice on food
  • Preparing and serving espresso coffee
  • Providing specialist advice on wine (Fine Dining)
  • Planning and monitoring espresso coffee service (Coffee Shop)

Course Duration

Food and Beverage Service NC III takes a minimum of 124 hours to complete.

Admission Requirements

Common requirements for TESDA courses include:

  • Copy of Birth Certificate authenticated by NSO
  • Copy of High school or College Diploma
  • Certified True Copy of Transcript of Records
  • 1×1 Pictures
  • Certificate of Good Moral Character

Requirements, however, may vary depending on the institution you are going to enroll at, so we strongly suggest you get in touch with the school or training center’s official representatives for more accurate and detailed information.


Qualified graduates of Food and Beverage Service NC III can find employment as any of the following:

  • Head Waiter / Chef de Salle
  • Captain Waiter / Chef d’ etage
  • Host / Hostess
  • Banquet Head Waiter


Some TESDA-accredited institutions may require you to complete Food and Beverage Service NC II before being allowed to take Food and Beverage Service NC III.

Competency Assessment and Certification

Students enrolled in the Food and Beverage Service NC III course may be required to undergo a Competency Assessment before graduation. A National Certificate (NC III) will be issued to students who passed this assessment. You can find more information on assessments and certifications at the official website of TESDA.

Got a Question?

You will find our answers on common questions about schools, tuition fee, enrollment, assessment and more in this Tesda Courses FAQs.

If you have a question that was not covered there, please leave it on the comment section below and we’ll try to answer you as soon as we can.

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  1. Ask ko lang po sana kung avail. Na po ang food and beverage sa tesda sampaloc manila mag eenrol po kasi ako thanks…

  2. sir ask ko lang po if meron po baitong traning for handling big tray/small trays like yung Oval tray po? kase po gusto ko din po matutunanpo din yung pag proper handling po ng Oval tray po.. thank you.san po maka recieve po ako ng feed back po. thank you

    • Hi, Jed!

      We’re not really sure about that. It’s best if you’ll contact the schools or training centers that offer this course as they’re the ones in the best position to answer that question for you.

      You can use this tool from TESDA to locate the nearest schools that offer a particular course. Just type in the name of the course you want then click “search.” After that, just click the “View Courses Authorized” option and you’ll see the school/training center’s address and contact number.


  3. i will the one interest this course to tesda

  4. I would like to undergone training from your respective office in the field of food and beverage services because i wanted to own and manage of food and beverage services. Please send me details and information regarding this matter. thank you!

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