Senior High School Specialized Subject: Animation
Animation is one of the specialized subjects under the technical-vocational livelihood (TVL) career track. Some examples of the things that you will learn from taking this subject include:
- Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECS)
- Assessment of personal competencies and skills
- Environment and Market
- Key concepts of market
- Players in the market
- Products and services available in the market
- Consumer analysis
- Hand Tools, Equipment, and Paraphernalia
- Safety procedures in using hand tools and equipment
- Common malfunction in hand tools, equipment, and paraphernalia
- Reporting to property custodian
- Mensuration and Calculation
- Types of components and objects to be measured
- Correct specifications of the relevant sources
- Conversion and calculation
- Preparation and Interpretation of Technical Drawings
- Basic symbols
- Basic elements
- Flowchart interpretation
- Practice Occupational Health and Safety Procedures
- Hazards and risks control
- Maintenance of OHS procedures awareness
- Producing Cleaned-up and In-betweened Drawings
- Design standards
- Clean-up requirements for drawing (cartoon-simple)
- Requirements for in-between (cartoon-regular)
- Requirements for producing clean-up drawings(realistic)
- Types of model sheets
- Models for clean-up drawings
- Key drawings and animation breakdowns
- Animation workflow
- Drawing animals and props
- Principles and concept of animation
- Concepts of character design
- Materials and equipment for animation
- Production of clean-up drawings (cartoon –simple)
- Clean-up drawing preparations (cartoon-simple)
- Clean-up procedures
- Cleaned-up key drawings for (cartoon – regular )
- Animator keys
- Familiarization with Line-test hardware and software
- Procedures for character posing
- Techniques for refining line quality
- Procedures for pegging and unpegging
- Similarities and differences of clean-up and in-between drawings
- Production constraints
- Details of exposure sheets
- Different special effects for producing drawing
- Procedures and policies in records keeping
While studying, you will also be asked to demonstrate what you have learned by participating in class activities that may include the following:
- Recognizing PECs needed in animation
- Recognizing and understand the market and potential market in animation
- Preparing hand tools and equipment in animation
- Inspecting hand tools and equipment received in animation
- Using and maintaining hand tools, measuring instrument, and equipment
- Performing basic mensuration
- Carrying out mensuration and calculation
- Identifying different kinds of technical drawings
- Evaluating hazards and risks
- Controlling hazards and risks
- Producing clean-up drawings for actual scene folders (cartoon, simple)
- Identifying requirements for in-between drawings in actual scene folders (cartoon, regular)
- Developing a product/service in animation
- Developing a brand for the product
These examples only cover the scope of the specialized subjects under the technical-vocational livelihood career track. For the scope of the core and contextualized subjects under the senior high school curriculum, please refer to their respective lists.