Senior High School Specialized Subject: Automotive Servicing
Automotive Servicing is one of the specialized subjects under the technical-vocational livelihood (TVL) career track. Some examples of the things that you will learn from taking this subject include:
- Perform Gas Engine Tune Up
- Procedure in setting valve tappet clearance
- Procedure for checking and adjusting valve tappet clearance
- Safety procedure
- Procedure in adjusting spark plug clearance
- Procedure for testing spark plug
- Analyzing spark plug spark
- Safety procedure
- Timing result/reference table
- Procedure in replacing fuel filter and air cleaner
- Types of filter elements
- Procedure in inspecting/adjusting/replacing contact point gap
- Procedure for testing and replacing condenser
- Procedure in adjusting dwell angle
- Setting ignition timing
- Procedure in ignition timing
- Procedure in checking advance timing
- Procedure in adjusting idle engine speed
- Adjusting idle fuel mixture
- Procedure in compression testing
- Safety precaution
- Compression specification
- Perform Diesel Engine Tune Up
- Procedure in installing injection pump
- Fuel injection timing marks location interpretation and application
- Use of special service tool (SST) in installing injection pump
- Positive work values
- Type and classification of gasket and sealant
- Procedure in injection timing
- Timing marks interpretation and application
- Use of SST
- Positive work values
- Fuel injection marks
- Timing result/reference table
- Procedure in bleeding injection pump
- Handling of bleeder screw and pump
- Handling of equipment such as tester and pressurized gases
- Positive work values
- Use of compression testing instruments
- Use of special service tools
- Positive work values
- Effects of low compression
While studying, you will also be asked to demonstrate what you have learned by participating in class activities that may include the following:
- Measuring/adjusting valve tappet clearance
- Testing spark plug
- Checking/replacing fuel and air filter
- Testing and replacing ignition breaker
- Checking and adjusting distributor setting
- Setting fuel mixture and idle rpm
- Performing compression testing
- Setting and installing injection pump to engine
- Inspecting injection timing
- Bleeding injection system components
- Conducting compression
- Testing engine requirements
These examples only cover the scope of the specialized subjects under the technical-vocational livelihood career track. For the scope of the core and contextualized subjects under the senior high school curriculum, please refer to their respective lists.