Senior High School Specialized Subject: Tailoring
Tailoring is one of the specialized subjects under the technical-vocational livelihood (TVL) career track. Some examples of the things that you will learn from taking this subject include:
- Producing athletic shorts
- Producing jogging pants
- Producing athletic shirts
- Producing athletic jackets
- Producing polo shirts
- Producing barongs
- Producing blazers
- Producing men’s trousers
- Fabric selection
- Drafting basic pattern
- Drafting final pattern using pattern symbols
- Techniques in cutting final pattern
- Preparing the materials for cutting
- Pressing tips
- Kinds of fasteners
- Kinds of trimmings
- Fabric folds
- Laying out pattern techniques in pinning patterns on fabric
- Transferring construction marks
- Pointers on how to cut fabric
- Procedure in cutting fabric
- Kinds of seams and seam finishes
- Preparing parts for sewing
- Unit method of assembling
- Labeling of garment
- Laying out pattern pieces
- Types of facing and interfacing
While studying, you will also be asked to demonstrate what you have learned by participating in class activities that may include the following:
- Explaining basic concepts in tailoring
- Planning garment design
- Taking client’s body measurements
- Drafting basic/block pattern
- Manipulating pattern
- Cutting final pattern
- Preparing cut parts
- Sewing and assembling parts
- Altering completed garment
- Applying finishing touches
- Packing finished garment
These examples only cover the scope of the specialized subjects under the technical-vocational livelihood career track. For the scope of the core and contextualized subjects under the senior high school curriculum, please refer to their respective lists.